Industry Involvement
Medical Device Cybersecurity Experts
​Cybersecurity for Healthcare. That’s it…. Our Sole Focus
​Choosing the right cybersecurity provider can be overwhelming. Your security is too important to leave to chance. When it comes to protecting your patients and Protected Health Information (PHI), one size doesn’t fit all. You need a provider who understands the ins and outs of medical device security. MedSec is deeply entrenched within the healthcare community and medical manufacturing associations building unwavering trust and credibility. We’re on the frontline with you, speaking on your behalf when it comes to standards, regulations, security product design and quality assurance.

Industry Expertise
Technical expertise specific to healthcare from infrastructure to medical device design to pain points of IT/security teams
A team of seasoned, highly qualified healthcare cybersecurity veterans embedded within the healthcare industry
Decades of experience working in healthcare settings side by side with industry CISOs, risk managers and privacy officers.
Specialists in healthcare and privacy regulations. We stay abreast of emerging legislation so you can be fully prepared and compliant… even before regulations are enacted
Advocacy on your behalf
What differentiates MedSec is our unique combination of cybersecurity knowledge and extensive healthcare experience. This knowledge translates into powerful security solutions and a team of experts you can trust to navigate the healthcare industry landscape.
Our experts hold numerous leadership positions for the premier industry associations and serve on working groups for frameworks and standards including AAMI TIR97, AAMI Software as a Medical Device, ISO TC215 Healthcare Informatics, HSCC Secure Supply Chain, ISA 99/IEC 62443 Industrial Network and system security, MDIC 5G Healthcare, MITRE CVSS Medicalization, NTIA Software Transparency and more.
Our management team members are established, industry authorities who are frequently called upon for speaking engagements, guidance and thought leadership surrounding medical device security.